“New Greetings”

 Copied from “HubPages”: September 4, 2010;

I’ve been away from HubPages almost two months. I apologize. It is presently 3:33 am where I am. This is also not good for the thought processes. I don’t apologize to you; that is now my own issue.

I wanted to write something – no matter how short – to remind any of you who are reading this – that I used to post some pretty fine writing here; and I hope to continue to do so once things settle down for me again.

Most of my earlier hubs had to do with my upcoming retirement. It’s all behind me now and I’m trying to get used to having no hard-and-fast schedule. Aww. What a shame.

So … that little being said … I wish you all a very Happy Labor Day – here in the USA – and Peace.

Bless you all!

Another Day

I want to just drop a short blog to greet you all and welcome some of you who haven’t already seen this here to come and see what I’ve been saying through “Wayne’s Words to the Wise”. Note that I didn’t indicate that I’m the one with the wisdom here. I have given you the benefit of being “the Wise”.

Please read and give me some comment and we can keep this blog going and up to date.

Blessings to you all!

We Made It!

At long last! After a full month of coming and going we returned to “the house” to do the final clean up. We vacuumed, picked up trash – 20 bags full. We had a couple young folks helping us with some things we are unable to do, like clean the refrigerator, picking up the some pieces of debris in the back yard, and sorting out some things we were giving to a friend who is having a yard/ garage sale to raise money for a “mission trip”.

We spent the night on an air bed – ouch – got no sleep, nearly froze to death because someone had left a window open. MaryJane went out to the car and got one of those spage-age, “aluminum” emergency/ disaster blankets. She looked like a turkey ready for basting. We had a little breakfast then went to the attorney to sign some papers – wills – and came back home. What an experience.

So now, here we are. Officially in Roseville. If there’s anything we didn’t finish in Vallejo some one else will have to do it. As far as I’m concerned there’s no good reason to go back there!

Roseville … at last!??

So … here we are. Our little apartment looks just about the way our house did. Although a little bit neater.

There were two groups of stuff, labeled either APT. or STORE. No one was really paying enough attention to the labels and all of it is in the apartment, for now. Everything didn’t get moved – clothes, for example – so we will rent a truck next week and straighten things out.

Other than the exhaustion, the heat, and not knowing where to find most things, we are really enjoying it here, so far. Comcast and the phone guy are supposed to be here this week – tomorrow? – to get us all hooked up, and then we can be just like “real people” again.

I’m using one of the computers in the library, here, and I’m probably one of no more than a half-dozen who uses it for something other than Solitaire. I may be retired, but I still like to stay at the top of my game and I still want to be able to keep in touch with you, my fans and readers.

If you know of someone who isn’t reading my blog – and you think they should – direct them to Http://wayneswisewords.wordpress.com

Something short …

… in the middle of the night.

I just noticed that the theme for this blog pattern is paisley. My wife’s name is MaryJane Paisley Tilden. If it can be purchased in paisley print she will bring it home. She says, “Save the Paisleys”. She’s on a one-person campaign to do so.

It’s the middle of the night, we’re still packing, and the trucks will be here at nine o’clock tomorrow. I’ll be writing again sometime after we get settled.

God bless you all!


Tomorrow at 9:00 am our driveway will be filled with strong young men and their trucks to help us with our move. Hopefully we can get everything from Vallejo to Roseville, about 90 minutes away, in just one trip.

I’m told that if we do it in one trip the whole thing shouldn’t take more than six hours, portal to portal. My plan is to take the “absolutely necessary” items – bed, sofa, televisions, pots and pans, food – first. If there is more to take we can make a second trip, even at another time.

We have two men coming who are former professional movers who will be there to “mentor” us, and another who is currently a mover who will be helping, pickup truck and all.

So, distance making no difference by blog, eMail, or web site, I shall be writing from about 60 to 75 miles northeast from this location next time.

God bless  you all and keep us in your prayers.

The “Final” Week

Today is Monday and the “big move” is on Saturday. The house looks like it is total disorder and disarray, and it is, but we can find most of what we’re looking for. It’s just too bad we don’t have eyes in our toes, if you understand.

My wife and a friend went up to the apartment to take a few little things; curtain rods, etc. (I wasn’t there. I don’t know what the “etc.” was.) She came by work on her way home and picked up about a dozen boxes. We may get this done on time afterall.

A number of friends are coming by with trucks, trailers, and SUVs on Saturday with the hope that we can move everything at one time. What we don’t get moved then, we’ll come back for  in the car when we come back to clean up.

So, a special retirement event on Wednesday, the move on Saturday, and my birthday on Sunday. Somehow I think my birthday is going to get “short shrift” this year, but that’s okay. I’ll be retired and will have stopped counting.

Moving Part III

Come and Help … … Really! 

 There was supposed to be a video attached, but my flip video cam is still new to me and I couldn’t figure out how to make it happen. Saturday my wife walked around the house with it taking pictures of the total disarray. What ever anyone else may say, there are great periods of depression during a move.

My wife said, ” first I lost my son, then I lost my truck, then I lost my dog, now I’m losing my house.” (If you play a country music record backwards, you get all those things back!)  

Actually, we’re in a pretty good place right now. Packing-wise we’re just about where we ought to be. There are cartons packed shoulder-high in the garage, and total confusion in the house. (It’s good the dog is gone. She would have been totally underfoot the whole time and absolutely nothing would have gotten finished.)  

The Gazebo at Roseville Commons

We intend to spend as much time as is comfortable sitting out here enjoying the breezre and the sounds of the water falls


We have guys with trucks and/or trailers who are planning on being at our house at 9:00 am on Saturday, July 17. If all goes well, and no one has to come back for more, we should be able to finish in 6 hours, according to one of my friends. We’d be well finished in time to change clothes and get to supper.  Yay!  

Four more working days till my “retirement event,” six more working days till my last day on payroll, ten more actual days before the move, and eleven more days till my birthday, my 62nd birthday, and my official Retirement date. A lot to look forward to and I’m a little bit conflicted in my feelings.  

17 Days to Go!

Things are working out  better than we could have imagined! While my wife was at home trying to figure out how this move was going to get done and I was at work making money so we can move, friends came by and wrapped, cushioned, sorted and packed; carried packed boxes out into the garage, and made her sit down and do as little as they could get her to do!

When we first moved into this house, I said, “The next time we move we’re going to have enough money to have people come in, pack it up, put it all in a truck, and unpack and put it all away in the new place.” My wife now realizes that I kept my promise.

We have a friend coming on “moving day” who used to be a professional furniture mover and is going to be the “mentor” for the day to insure/ ensure (SP)  that nothing gets damaged or broken.  This is almost what I promised my wife eleven years ago. She thanked me for keeping my promise!!

So … about all that’s left is to finish boxing things up, dragging them out to the garage, and on Saturday stay out of the way – on this end and in Roseville!

Keep all of us in your prayers. I will update you again later.

Committed to Moving

I don’t know how we’re going to do it, but we’re “committed” now! This is June 25. Three weeks and 2 days from now – July 17 – we will move into our new 1-bedroom apartment in Roseville, California; near Sacramento on the highway to Tahoe and Reno. My friend says if we get enough guys and trucks we should be able to do the whole move in 6 hours. If he’s right and we start by 10 am, we should be done – and maybe somewhat rested – in time for supper. If we can get back on to our feet!!

In addition to “the big move,” July 14 is my retirement/ graduation party, July 16 is my last day on payroll, and as I said the move is on the 17th! Of course all of this is followed – on the 18th – by my 62nd birthday. I suspect none of you readers covet this schedule.

I ask for your prayers between now and then. My wife is depressed. She’s the one at home all day seeing things that need to be done but not knowing where to start. I’m trying to use as little Vacation time as possible so I will get that “back pay” from the unused positive time. I know I should be with her, but we’re both torn both ways.


Keep in touch!

~ Wayne ~

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